Written by Karl Perera BA, MA, DipLC
Updated: April 2nd, 2020

Getting Healthy

When You May Require Help Getting Healthy

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Many of us do everything that we can to stay healthy on our own. We eat right, exercise and make sure that we are getting enough sleep. However, that may not be enough to stay healthy. It is important to know when you need help getting healthy.

You Have a Substance Abuse Problem

Substance abuse is a problem that most people will not be able to overcome on their own. If you are dealing with addiction, then it is important for you to get substance abuse help as soon as possible. You do not want to wait until you have hit rock bottom before you get help.

There are a number of signs that you may notice if you have a problem with addiction. You may find yourself going to the extreme to get the addicting substance. You may also find yourself having cravings for the drug. Additionally, you may develop a tolerance to the substance. This means that you will have to increase your dose to get the effects that you desire.

You may feel withdrawal symptoms if you attempt to stop using the substance. This is one of the reasons that most people will not be able to overcome the addiction without alcohol detoxification and drug rehab therapy.

The relationship that you have with your family members and friends may also indicate that you have an addiction. Have you been trying to hide your drug or alcohol use from them? Have they confronted you about your problem? If the answer to those questions is yes, then you may have a problem with addiction.

It is important to note that an addiction will get worse if the problem is not treated.

You Have Depression

Depression is a serious mental disorder. Contrary to popular belief, depression is a lot more than just feeling sad. It is normal to feel sad sometimes. However, major depressive disorder is a constant feeling of sadness and hopelessness.

There are a number of signs that indicate that you have serious depression. For example, you may have sleeping problems. Some people who are depressed will sleep for several hours a day. Others will have a problem falling asleep.

You may also have lost interest in your favorite activities. Other signs of major depressive disorder include fatigue, changes in appetite and suicidal thoughts. After you have been formally diagnosed with depression, your doctor can recommend the appropriate treatment.

You Have an Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is a normal part of life. For example, you may get nervous before a presentation or a job interview. However, if you have an anxiety disorder, then it may take over your life. If you find yourself constantly worrying, feeling fatigued or unable to sleep, then it is time to get help for your anxiety.

Other Signs You Need to See a Doctor

If you have a high fever that will not go away, then you need to go to the doctor. Concussions, broken bones, chronic migraines, and sudden weight loss are some of the other problems that should be treated by a doctor.

Sometimes, it is impossible to stay healthy on your own. If you have an addiction, anxiety or depression, then you will need to get medical treatment. Additionally, you should get medical treatment if you have an injury or notice anything unusual with your body.

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Website Author Bio

Karl Perera is a fully qualified Life Coach, Teacher and Author of Self Esteem Secrets. He has overcome severe depression and now helps others to do the same. His qualifications include Masters and DipLC. He has taught at various universities including Durham University, University of Leicester and Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. He is a member of Mind. He founded Depression-Helper.com in 2001 and is an expert in Depression and Self Esteem.