Written by Karl Perera BA, MA, DipLC
Updated: April 2nd, 2020

Marriage: Overcoming Depression After a Divorce

Are you wondering how to cope with post divorce depression? Find out what your next steps should be.

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So, you have now broken up with your partner after years of marriage, your divorce has now been confirmed, and your kids are torn in between. The next thing that happens to you is stress and then depression sets in. Many people suffer the consequences of depression, which can be very bad. In cases where the divorce is followed by a financial strain, illness, or parenting challenges, depression may set in very quickly.

However, someone who has been affected by depression can come up with strategies to prevent or overcome it if it has already set in after the divorce. If you are determined to keep it at bay, there are always ways to do this.

Engage in a Physical Activity

Although exercise fights depression very well, it is highly recommended to try a physical activity that is done by a team. You could join a sports club in your neighborhood, go for a boot camp, attend yoga classes, or join a local fitness center where other people are.

The point is to meet other people who you can share your fitness goals with and encourage each other. This fights depression well, especially since you will be very engaged.

Take a Vacation

It is time to explore the various parts of the world that you have never been if this is affordable for you. Whether you have a family with you or not, a vacation will rejuvenate your body. For those who are busy at work or in a business, this is the time to take some leave.

A vacation must not be abroad if there is no money, but one can take a simple holiday by visiting their favorite places. Avoid places that you have previously visited with your partner to avoid thinking about them.

Try Dating Someone Better

They say that it is always good to get a break from relationships when you have just been heartbroken. But when the right time comes to get another partner, it is the time to avoid the mistakes that you made in the first place. Online dating through a platform like the Happymatches website provides an opportunity to hook up with a mature person with all of the qualities that you want.

There are also many other options for getting a caring partner. But the secret is in taking some time to heal and then get someone who will make you happy.

If you’re having problems believing in yourself again then take a look at this page with very helpful advice and information.

Go Out with Your BFF

Today, the word BFF (best friend forever) is very common. Most if not all people have that one person that they share and confide in. After a divorce, your BFF should stand with you. This is the person that will come up with various activities to keep you vibrant throughout and help keep stress at bay.

The best way is to include a lot of outdoor activities that promotes socialization and more fun. Psychologists claim that fighting depression through this method is usually successful for everyone.

Keep Yourself Busy with Technology

It is incredible how technology has kept us hooked. If someone got stuck in an elevator for 30 minutes while their phone was at their desk, their life would be so boring. Thus, a divorced person can take advantage of this technology to keep depression at bay. I will tell you how:

·        Playing online games – Yes, if you choose an interesting game, it will help with passing time, especially if you are an introvert who likes staying indoors. Interestingly, gamers can meet online and compete to make everything more enjoyable.

·        Watching a movie – With the internet and a smart TV, you can stream thousands of movies to keep you busy after work. TV series are the best for someone like this because someone can follow them for a long time.

Getting Professional Help

Depression can be a major threat to someone’s life. Sometimes, all the above strategies may just prove meaningless. But before it takes you down, accepting professional help is paramount. These experts are experienced in handling many cases like yours and having sessions with them will help.


If you get a divorce today, life will not be the same again. But that does not mean that it will cease to be. Depression will kick in sooner than you can imagine unless you work on it. But the good thing is that the above strategies will a help understand how to cope with post divorce depression. One or a combination of a few will work.

Website Author Bio

Karl Perera is a fully qualified Life Coach, Teacher and Author of Self Esteem Secrets. He has overcome severe depression and now helps others to do the same. His qualifications include Masters and DipLC. He has taught at various universities including Durham University, University of Leicester and Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. He is a member of Mind. He founded Depression-Helper.com in 2001 and is an expert in Depression and Self Esteem.